Featured Video


Featured Video Wireframe Desktop Graphic

Deliverables & Specifications

VIDEO SIZE / RESOLUTION / FORMAT 3MB 720p (minimum) H.264 | mp4 | YouTube link
VIDEO LENGTH 15-30 seconds (15 seconds preferred)
VIDEO TITLE Max 20 characters w/spaces
LOGO 250x250px Transparent PNG (preferred) / GIF / EPS
CTA COPY Max 15 characters w/spaces
HEADER / FONT COLOR Color HEX code (optional)
TRACKING 1x1 | Click Tag
Up to two (2) click tags


ASSET DELIVERY Deliver PSD, Ai & other image files in retina sizes (2x the outlined spec) e.g. 600x500 > 640x960 should be submitted for 300x250 > 320x480 expand units

We support PNG, GIF, and JPG image files; We convert PSD and TIFF files for development

Use PNG files for transparency and animations (animations in PSD files should be in transparent layers)

Reformat your TIFF files before submission. Reformatting TIFF files may result in additional development charges
VIDEO Please clip the bumpers off your videos and follow the appropriate H.264 video compression and pixels width dependent on device (.mp4 is best)